Kenda Gee International Award Winning Documentary of LOST YEARS: A PEOPLE’S STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE Discourses on Social Equity


China Millennium Council President Mary Ho and International Award Winning Documentary Lost Years Fillmmaker Kenda Gee Discuss the Vast and Diverse Diaspora of Chinese Extending to U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand including Europe and the African continent.

LOST YEARS: A PEOPLE’S STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE is an international award winning epic documentary tracing back over 150 years of the Chinese diaspora covering four generations of racism as revealed through the journey and family story of Chinese Canadian filmmaker Kenda Gee. Traveling with his father Took Gee, they return to China and retrace the path of his grandfather, who sailed to Canada in the summer of 1921, and even earlier over a century ago, his great grandfather. A journey of hope for a myriad of Chinese who quickly encountered discriminatory laws including the head tax levied on new Chinese immigrants to Canada which ultimately deprived them of their rights as citizens. The story begins with the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 20th century China circa 1911 towards the end of World War II, recounting painful decades of anti-Chinese racial prejudice in North America. Extending from Vancouver Island and Angel Island, Gee’s journey takes him across Canada and America, retracing the footsteps and experiences of the Chinese immigrants and their modern day descendants. A moving account of their personal stories capture the enormous hardships and obstacles they overcame in order to obtain citizenship in their own new countries of birth and acceptance in a modern diverse global society.

NYS LT Governor Kathy Hochul Reports Updates on 2015 Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council Program Initiatives

China Millennium Council President Mary Ho and New York State Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul Discuss the White House Initiative on Asian American Pacific Islanders WHI-AAPI Vital Business Presence and Issues Concerning AAPI involvement with the Upstate New York Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council and Governor Andrew Cuomo's 2015 New York Opportunity Agenda. AAPIs are the fastest growing minority group in America with enormous consumer impact, yet under-represented and overlooked in areas of leadership and governance.

City of Rochester Office of the Mayor, Del Smith, Commissioner of Neighborhood & Business Development, Mary Ho, China Millennium Council President and Ken Sato, City Design Lab CEO Review Submission Proposal for Urban Revitalization to boost Upstate New York's economic opportunity to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, strengthen communities and enhance tourism and quality of life. Sato is a city resident and operates an urban fermentory business.