China Millennium Council President Mary Ho and New York State Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul Discuss the White House Initiative on Asian American Pacific Islanders WHI-AAPI Vital Business Presence and Issues Concerning AAPI involvement with the Upstate New York Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council and Governor Andrew Cuomo's 2015 New York Opportunity Agenda. AAPIs are the fastest growing minority group in America with enormous consumer impact, yet under-represented and overlooked in areas of leadership and governance.

City of Rochester Office of the Mayor, Del Smith, Commissioner of Neighborhood & Business Development, Mary Ho, China Millennium Council President and Ken Sato, City Design Lab CEO Review Submission Proposal for Urban Revitalization to boost Upstate New York's economic opportunity to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, strengthen communities and enhance tourism and quality of life. Sato is a city resident and operates an urban fermentory business.